The Cobbler's Children Go Unshod

Introducing The New DMW Website

We certainly do "stick to thy last" as the expression goes.  Yet, against all odds, last week, we were able launch our new website. It's taken us about 5 years to get around to this as we've been extremely busy with our clients' new websites, user experience platforms and digital media campaigns. Hence, the title for this blog.  

Joking aside, we're very proud of our new site.  A lot has happened since 2010, the most significant being the rapid adoption of mobile phones as our primary computing device. So, we've practiced what we preach and made the site fully responsive so it renders perfectly on any device.  It's clean and simple and the pages load extremely fast. It's easy to navigate. 

Client sites we are equally proud of for the same reasons (and more) include the following.  All have seen dramatic increases in conversion rates on mobile, tablet and desktop.

Take a look around these sites and let us know what you think.  With mobile traffic representing half of all website traffic, it's imperative to have a fully responsive, mobile-friendly website that offers the optimal user experience.

Contact us or leave a comment if you would like to discuss.